Hi! I'm a designer and developer living in South West England. I love solving problems with technology and making websites that look good, and work well.
Practice is important. When learning something new, applying it in a practical context is a great way to cement learning and deepen understanding,...
For years before learning to code, I had ideas for websites, apps and projects. However, without having the skills to actually build them, that's all...
Last week, I launched my very first product on Product Hunt! My product, ColorHub, helps developers to find the perfect colour palette for their next...
On your journey of learning to code it's highly likely that at one point or another, you'll lose sleep over it. Perhaps working late into the night...
...and Learned to Actually Enjoy it. · For as long as I can remember, I've loved creating things. From designing artwork to building websites, and from...
It might just be me, but I've always found full-screen mobile menus to be unnecessarily complicated and time-consuming to build with HTML and CSS, and...